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We recently announced the exciting news that Age of Conan will be introducing a hybrid business model that will allow players to either play for free, or become Premium subscribers with access to more content and more features. The new hybrid business model is coming this summer, so be sure to check out the community site regularly.
Read more about the new hybrid model here
As part of Age of Conan moving to a hybrid model, we are also adding a lot of new content! Coming soon is two new dynamic dungeons, The Breach and the Forgotten City, as well as more updates to come before launch, ensuring there will be a lot of new content for existing and returning players!
Read more about The Breach and the Forgotten City on Massively.com
The Savage Coast of Turan is the newly announced adventure pack that will feature content from the upcoming movie Conan The Barbarian. The adventure pack features a massive new outdoor area that encompasses the city of Ardashir and the surrounding coastline, and contains two new solo instances, a new team instance, and new raid encounters. We will also feature equipment, monsters and other elements from the movie itself!
Click here to read more about The Savage Coast of Turan
We have long wanted to provide a more 'old school' PvP experience to our players, so we wil soon be introducing an all-new server ruleset! On these battlegrounds your reputation and skill will mean something, and surviving will require you to keep your wits about you, and make good friends. It will, in effect, be intentionally uncompromising.
Click here to read more about the new Blood and Glory ruleset on MMORPG.com
We have put together a collection of great in-game item packages, all available to purchase through your account page. The items included range from potions that yield additional experience, scrolls that allow your character to teleport, to social pets and much more. Check them out today!
Access your account page here
Something is stirring in Hollywood. The barbarian hordes are on the rise. Coming this year, the new film from Millenium Films, Lionsgate and Paradox Entertainment stars Jason Momoa as the barbarian. Ready to swing the sword once more, Conan will invade movie theaters later this summer.
Check out the new trailer here
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